the cooks' tour @ dandenong market, dandenong

Mamma loves visiting the market. All the hustle and bustle, the street food and the cool things in the bazaar. But what can be overwhelming and intimidating - the fresh food section! You want to know what to look for and the questions to ask … but how do you know when you don’t know????

The answer - head on a tour with the expert. Dandenong Market has their own chef and all round foodie, Tim. Mamma joined in on his brand new offering, The Cooks’ Tour.

During the 3 hour experience, Tim will take you to the local store holders, purchase a range of different foods, introduce you to the experts and teach you a whole bunch of tricks of what to look for when planning your next meal. He is a real laugh all throughout the journey and as much as he loves the food on offer - he loves sharing the characters that make Dandenong Market really special as well!

Once you have weaved your way through the market (and developed an appetite seeing all the beautiful food on offer), Tim will show you how to cook it all! We dined on an epic cheese platter, incredible mussels, a stunning Vietnamese style salad, the freshest of fresh salmon and finished it all off with hand made churros.

The menu will change with the seasons but they are set to be delicious. The entire experience is so insightful and Mamma’s next shop at the market will be way less intimidating.

Mamma's special mentions:  Experience all the fun Dandenong Market offers while you are there!

the nitty gritty

wanna know more - dates, prices and to book? click here

Cleeland St, Dandenong

Presented in partnership with Dandenong Market

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