abbey walk, vermont

This is the perfect spot for all sorts of outdoor activities- a HUGE grassed area for kicking the footy, flying a frisbee or having a picnic. Not only is there a wide open space but some gorgeous trees providing lots of shade and a beautiful backdrop.

Head down the track and over the boardwalk or wander through the grass to reach the walking track, it’s only a short walk (around 700m) on a flat dirt track, great for prams, bikes and scooters, even little legs. The Dandenong Creek flows along side it and if you are after a longer walk or a faster paced bike ride you can cross the bridge (be sure to throw some sticks in and watch them float down the creek) and ride along the sealed path of the Vermont section of the Dandenong Creek Trail. Beware this path is very popular with cyclists and you will need to keep an eye and ear out for them.

It is a nice little spot of nature hidden in Vermont, be sure to look out for ducks and other wildlife in the creek. If you’re lucky you’ll see some goats in the compound (a fenced off area for goat grazing to help in the aid of weed removal)

the nitty gritty

On street parking- few bench seats- shade by trees

Abbey Walk

Mamma’s special mention:

Be sure to check out Culbara Dve Playground that sits high up on the other side of Abbey Walk