lovey patisserie, doncaster

It is so sweet to have a cafe full of delectable cakes and treats, as well as a giant wall of collectables. Lovey Patisserie is an adorable cafe in Doncaster which is part cake shop and part collectable showroom.

Starting with the food, these hand made masterpieces are like a little work of art. Filled with fresh fruit and plenty of cream, they are a great piece to share - although Mister 5 did want to keep most of it to himself! The coffee is top shelf (and super pretty!) and all the cold drinks come freshly canned to your table.

The second cool part of this cafe are the collectables. One wall is full of Bearbricks. These figures are all the same base shape, and then are customised into unique designs and even some of our favourite characters. The cafe boasts a large display of these bears and are real pieces of art. You may not have the budget for the big ones (you don’t wanna know how much these are worth unless you are big into collectables), but there are some other options from other artist on the other side of the room.

the nitty gritty

Monday to Saturday
7:30am - 5:30pm
Sunday 8am - 5pm

wanna know more? click here

Shop 1 / 642 Doncaster Road, Doncaster

Mamma's special mentions: You will certainly need a space to run around and Lawford Street Reserve is your perfect spot and just on the other side of shopping town.