pick your own orchard tours @ montague orchard, narre warren north

An expert tip to get your kids to eat fruit - take it to where it grows. Montague Orchard in Narre Warren North has a massive range of apples and stone fruit AND you can pick your own to take home while on an orchard tour.

The crew run sessions on weekends and school holidays (when the fruit is nice and ripe of course) where you and the kids can taste test some of the freshest and ripest fruit on the block. The pick your own area is one small part of this massive family owned orchard, which grows some pretty incredible fruit, and in this section alone they grow up to 2000 varieties as part of their research and development orchards. During apple season, keep an eye out for some of the exclusive range of apples - the yello® (guess what colour that one is) PLUS the apple that is red on the inside and the outside!

You are welcome to eat as you pick, and you purchase the rest at a heavily discounted price from Bill’s Orchard Gate once you have spent time in the field. The ground can be a little bumpy (with all those apples on the ground) and it’s also best to wear gumboots if it has been wet.

the nitty gritty

Seasonal sessions over weekends and during school holidays - To Book your tour (this is essential) click here

Bill's Orchard Gate
Monday – Thursday
9am – 4:30pm
Friday – Sunday
9am – 5pm

Please note that public holiday hours may vary.

18 Horswood Road, Narre Warren North

wanna know more? click here

Mamma’s special mention: if you are not quite full of fruit, head up for lunch at Stella’s Kitchen for a sit down meal, or grab some take away from the Orchard Gate before heading to the lake for a stroll or a splash!