geppetto's workshop, olinda
/You won't be leaving this place without taking home something new. You can trust Mamma on that one! Geppetto's Workshop is a magnificent toy shop with two locations in the Dandenong Ranges. The main store in Sassafras and this one in Olinda - some might refer to it as the baby store (only by its size and not its range of toys). Both stores have been a beacon of light for parents and children alike as they have the most MAGNIFICENT range of quality toys. You will find everything from bath toys (without the holes that make them go manky), dress-ups, musical toys, tea sets, classic games and your high end collectibles. You will notice the lack of plastic, flashing lights and 'batteries not included' stickers. Old fashioned, hand crafted and at a range of price points too. Toys are stacked high and low with everything that is at kids level being able to test and play with. The ceiling is filled too with an amazing collection of marionettes - some plush and perfect for kids and others completely handcrafted and imported from the Czech Republic. The staff here are almost as beautiful as the toys themselves, with fantasitc knowledge of all the toys and are brilliant with suggestions. Perfect for that birthday party for that kid you just met yesterday! If you are planning a visit definitely allow time for play and exploring. There will be no quick visits here, that is for sure!
Mamma's special mentions: It is not a trip to Olinda without visiting Pie in the Sky and the lolly shops! You may also wish to have a wonder through William Ricketts Sanctuary or check out the view from Skyhigh.