boinga bobs treehouse, warburton

Mamma had heard rumours of a treehouse on the hill in Warburton and when googled found a few grainy pics, a piece from Burke's Backyard and a story that council were attempting to pull it down.  Assuming that we'd be lucky if it was still there Mamma still piled the kids into the car hoping for the best. Well, the best we got. Not only did we get to see this work of art from the outside we got a chance to explore the belly of the beast and sneak a peek into all of the magical rooms.  Bob has travelled the world from Himalayan Temples to Mosques and the Cambodian Jungle (and everywhere in between) and the treehouse is influenced by these lifelong travels. The woodwork as absolutely beautiful and the house is rich in textures, colours and spirit.  His creativity has been a big part of his life and he believes it's what keeps him going. Bob is so friendly and welcoming but unfortunately his health is deteriorating so he's not looking for too many visitors these days, but he welcomes the support and appreciation of the community.

the nitty gritty 

Parking is very limited and the road is small so take care. 

There is a donation box if you feel you'd like to contribute

Keep up to date with how Bob is going on his Facebook Page

Highfield Road, Warburton

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