zina grove playspace, mooroolbark

There are the days you just need a street park. One where there is enough to keep the kids entertained for half an hour while the coffee sets in - sounds familuar? Zina Gove has got the goods. Nature is the theme at this park with BRIGHT green slides and lots of natural elements mixed in. Massive boulders to navigate between zones, native scrub to walk through and pretty decent shade. Equipment is best suited to 2 years plus but there is the spinning pyramid, birds nest style swing and a full set of traditional swings as well. As with your standard council local parks, there are no toilets or distinct parking zone but don't let it stop you swinging past for a play. 

Mamma's special mention: Want more street park inspiration - The Range Estate playground in Croydon, Cloverlea in Chirnside Park and Victoria Rose in Box Hill South

the nitty gritty

no public toilets - open space for ball play - basketball half court - street parking - good shade - picnic shelter


Zina Grove, Mooroolbark 

click here more more park and playground inspiration