leeroy, vermont

What a beautiful little cafe hidden in the suburban streets of Vermont. Leeroy (our you may recall it as the The Vermont General Store) is a real gem. Beautiful brunches and lunches are on offer here in this light and airy, old milk bar. There isn’t heaps of space for prams or large groups of diners, BUT there is an enclosed backyard complete with tables under umbrellas, outdoor street seating and a coffee window along the side.

Food is fresh and delicious. A variety of sweet and savoury are both featured on the menu. Mamma loves the fritters but has her eyes on the ready to go sandwiches in the fridge for next time.

the nitty gritty 

Monday - Friday: 7am - 3.30pm
Saturday and Sunday: 7.30am - 3.30pm

37 Centre Rd, Vermont

wanna know more? CLICK HERE

Mamma's special mention

You KNOW Mamma can find a playground everywhere. In Vermont, our pick is Culbara Drive Playground